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4.6 | 8 Ratings

Farnaz Sharifi


Age Group: Children, Youth, Adult

English Proficiency: Advanced


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Duration: 60 Min | Price: 13 CAD

درباره‌ی من:

Logical reasoning has been a part of my character since I can remember, so I did not find it difficult to understand mathematical concepts. My mother and father used to enroll us in the next year's math class during the summers. I enjoyed the atmosphere of the classes and found learning interesting. Especially since there were materials that I did not need at the moment and because there was no evaluation, I welcomed those materials with curiosity and soon became fascinated with mathematics. Of course, the professors I had in those classes played a very prominent role.  

Since high school, I was almost determined to study pure mathematics at university, and I had already chosen my desired university. I visited Amirkabir University several times with my older sister and participated in the major selection conferences. I walked very confidently on the path of mathematics. Also, in this direction, Maryam Mirzakhani was a great inspiration for me and my classmates.

About Me:

شیوه‌ی تدریس:

Teaching Method:

According to my second job, which is educational planning in international schools, I have studied the documents of different countries and am familiar with their educational systems. This helps me a lot in planning classes and my teaching method is based on the country of origin of the student, the connections between the concepts in their educational system, the basic concepts and the local or international issues that should be solved. Also, I expose the student's mind to different, creative and intuitive solutions, and I also use technologies suitable for each grade level in teaching.

سابقه‌ی تحصیلی و کاری:


- Bachelor of Mathematics from Amirkabir University 

-Teacher of Girls International School (TIS) at primary, middle, and high school levels 

- Designer of the educational program of the mathematics and science department in the international school for girls 

- Teaching experience in Sodeh school at the middle and high school levels

 - History of online mathematics teaching during the Corona pandemic 

- History of teaching English at the adult level at the Conversation House and the levels of children and teenagers at the language center

 - Experience in translating scientific texts and educational videos

مدرک تحصیلی



Mahsa: Farnaz was great in understanding what we were seeking from these classes and adjusted her method and materials accordingly. My daughter enjoyed the classes and loves her teacher.

الهام: فرناز جون معلمی با حوصله، حرفه ای، صبور و مهربان هستن کلاسهای دخترم با حوصله و پر انرژی انجام میشه و فرناز جون ارتباط خوبی با دخترم برقرار کردن و با اشتیاق سر کلاسش حاضر میشه، تسلط کامل به زبان انگلیسی دارن و این نکته ی بسیار مهمی برای بچه ها دو زبانه هست ، نکته ی دیگه اینکه بسیار انعطاف پذیر هستن و بازها شده که دخترم به دلایلی نتونسته سر کلاس حاضر بشه (بیماری، سفر لحظه آخری و…) ایشون به راحتی همیشه پذیرفتن و کلاس رو به روز دیگری انتقال دادن و من رو اصلا تو حالتی قرار ندادن که احساس بدی داشته باشم. ممنونم ازشون بابت پیشرفت دخترم و مهربان پیگیر و حرفه ای بودنشون

فرزاد: خانم فرناز شريفى بسيار معلم منظم و با برنامه و صبور و مهربان هستند و ارتباط بسيار خوبى با بچه ها برقرار ميكنند و براى بچه هاى دو زبانه يادگيرى رو راحت و آسون مى كنند.

طیبه: بهترین معلم ریاضی که پسر من میتونه داشته باشه فرناز جون هستند بسیار بسیار با حوصله و دلسوزند و پسر من با کمک ایشون تونست مرحله اول المپیاد ریاضی رو تو مدرسه قبول بشه و بره مرحله بالاتر و همچنین یک گرید از گرید خودش بالاتر باشه تو ریاضی، همه این موفقیتها رو مدیون زحمات و سواد بالای فرناز جون هستیم در ضمن ایشون کاملا ارتباط خوبی با بچه ها و نوجوانان دارند واقعا از زحمات بینظیرشون ممنونیم ❤️

Ehsan: Ms. Sharifi has been an exceptional math teacher for my daughter in grade 8. Under her guidance, my daughter's math skills have significantly improved, leading to a notable increase in her grades. She thoroughly enjoys the course and has shown a marked enthusiasm for math since joining. I highly recommend Ms. Sharifi for her dedication and effectiveness in teaching math.

Tayebeh: Thank you for being such an excellent mathematics teacher For my daughter My appreciation and gratitude for having you as her teacher cannot be explained in words. Thank you for motivating and pushing her when things seemed impossible💕

هانا: فرناز جون  بسیار با حوصله و مهربون هستند و ارتباط خوبی با پسرم رایان برقرار کردند و پسرم با علاقه سر کلاس فرناز جون میشینه. اگه دنبال معلمی با معلومات و مهربون برای ریاضی هستید فرناز جون را پیشنهاد میکنم.

Vahid: Unfortunately, I must express my deep disappointment with the quality of teaching offered by Farnaz. Firstly, Farnaz demonstrated a notable lack of preparation and organization. Throughout the sessions, there was a clear absence of a structured plan tailored to my son's specific learning needs. Despite my efforts to provide relevant exam questions and syllabus, they were disregarded, and there was no evidence of them being incorporated properly into the teaching approach. Please note that parents are not supposed to keep giving the teacher any instructions prior to sessions. Secondly, I experienced an unprofessional tone when questioned about her teaching methods as she initially responded defensively and failed to address my concerns. Furthermore, While we understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, the last-second cancellations have caused significant inconvenience for us. As a result of these shortcomings, I feel that both my time and financial investment were wasted.

سعید: خانم فرناز شریفی بسیار در کار تدریس ریاضی مهارت دارند. کلاس‌ها با حوصله و پر انرژی دنبال میشه و این عامل باعث شد پسرم از من تقاضا کنه که برای مقاطع بعدی هم با فرناز خانم کلاس داشته باشه. تشکر ویژه من از ایشان بواسطه علاقه‌ای است که پسرم به درس ریاضی پیدا کرده . ممنون از شرکت درسون به خاطر فراهم کردن این امکان خوب


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